About Us
Hello and welcome to the Hertford Astronomy Group and the exciting field of astronomy. Whether you are familiar with the night sky or have just looked up and wondered what there is beyond our planet then we are sure that you will be interested in our activities. We are a group that formed because we are interested in astronomy and we want to learn more. Our group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month throughout the year (except July & August). At our meetings we arrange to have a speaker come and talk to us for about an hour. You can come along and share members’ equipment or bring your own. You can even bring your own along for a bit of tlc if it needs repair or adjusting and our members will be happy to help you get the best from it. Don’t worry about it being ‘good enough’ - we all had to start somewhere even if it was with a pair of Barbie binoculars! Within the club there are two sub groups to which members have automatic access to. The first is HAGAS which is our astrophotography group and the other is HAGOBS which is our observation group. To find out more about each of these groups click on the appropriate tab and that will take you straight there. As well as our regular group meetings we do lots of other things too. We get invited to the regular open evenings at the Bayfordbury Observatory where we can set ourselves up to show visitors what can be achieved with back garden astronomy. We also have some equipment you can borrow so that you can develop your interests - members only though. Another feature of belonging to our group is that we get invitations to go to the Institute of Physics lectures at the University in Hatfield - all free! We are also available to visit schools, Scouts and Guide groups to give talks and demonstrations about astronomy and related topics - contact our Programme and Outreach Officer for details. This year we have an exciting programme in store for you with some very notable speakers lined up. So, we hope to see you at one of our meetings and that you enjoy our company so much that you will want to come again.
Constitution of the Hertford Astronomy Group
Hertford  Astronomy Group
About us
Hello and welcome to the Hertford Astronomy Group and the exciting field of astronomy. Whether you are familiar with the night sky or have just looked up and wondered what there is beyond our planet then we are sure that you will be interested in our activities. We are a group that formed because we are interested in astronomy and we want to learn more. Our group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month throughout the year (except July & August). At our meetings we arrange to have a speaker come and talk to us for about an hour. You can come along and share members’ equipment or bring your own. You can even bring your own along for a bit of tlc if it needs repair or adjusting and our members will be happy to help you get the best from it. Don’t worry about it being ‘good enough’ - we all had to start somewhere even if it was with a pair of Barbie binoculars! Within the club there are two sub groups to which members have automatic access to. The first is HAGAS which is our astrophotography group and the other is HAGOBS which is our observation group. To find out more about each of these groups click on the appropriate tab and that will take you straight there. As well as our regular group meetings we do lots of other things too. We get invited to the regular open evenings at the Bayfordbury Observatory where we can set ourselves up to show visitors what can be achieved with back garden astronomy. We also have some equipment you can borrow so that you can develop your interests - members only though. Another feature of belonging to our group is that we get invitations to go to the Institute of Physics lectures at the University in Hatfield - all free! We are also available to visit schools, Scouts and Guide groups to give talks and demonstrations about astronomy and related topics - contact our Programme and Outreach Officer for details. This year we have an exciting programme in store for you with some very notable speakers lined up. So, we hope to see you at one of our meetings and that you enjoy our company so much that you will want to come again.
2024 Hertford Astronomy Group