Outreach events Part of being members of an active club is to share knowledge and expertise with other people. To this end we often assist with other organisations who want to run an astronomy event. This includes schools, scouts and brownies. We will help support these groups with activities that they have planned or are planning so if you are considering holding such an event then do contact us if you would like some assistance. How club members can help If you can bring along a pair of binoculars, a telescope or some other activity then you are sure to be welcomed. Just being able to look through a telescope is a great experience for many people and is all the more interesting if the person who is showing it can give a bit of knowledge about what is being seen. Just remember the first time you looked at the Moon through binoculars or a telescope! Share that passion and skill and you will be helping to recruit someone else into this most enjoyable hobby. Our outreach activities are currently on hold due to Covid. We will be pleased to assist when things are back to normal.
Offer to come to outreach event -  on hold for the moment
2022 Hertford Astronomy Group
Hertford  Astronomy Group