Other events that may be of interest to you
British AstronomicalAssociation
Previous meetings now on YouTube
British AstronomicalAssociation Historical Section 8th June 2022 Martin Hardcastle The environmental impact of Radio Galaxies 12th September 2022 Roger O’Brien Artemis - Back to the Moon 12 October 2022 Richard Westwood Solar Eclipses 9 November 2022 Peter Goodhew Discovering and Imaging Planetary Nebulae 14th December 2022 Jerry Stone The Last men on the Moon - for now. 11th January 2023 The University of Hertfordshire presents….. February 2023 Francisco Diego Paradise Planet Earth: a Human Responsibility March 2023 Cathie Clarke the study of protoplanetary discs .. May 2023 Oliver Shorttle Rocky Planet atmospheres April 2023 Andrew Norton The New Cosmology May 2023 HAG AGM
June 2023 Dr Helen Mason Reaching for the Sun 6th September 2023 Roger O’Brien The Starship Project 11th October 2023 Richard Goodrich How the 1910 Return of Halley’s Comet (Almost) Destroyed Civilization 8th November 2023 University of Hertfordshire presents Students Shree Hari Mittal and Will Cooper give individual presentations 13th December 2023 Roger O’Brien The Star of Bethlehem 12th January 2024 David Arditti Choosing the right Telescope 14th February 2024 Alan Davies Halos, rainbows and glories 13th March 2024 Ruth Gregory Beyond Einstein and modifying gravity Latest news from the Federation of Astronomical Societies 10th April 2024 Jerry Stone Island Zero - A practical way to kickstart space habitat development 8th May 2024 Chris Crowe Star Trek & Star Wars: The Science behind Sci-Fi 15th May 2024 Hertford Astronomy Group AGM 12th June 2024 Andrew Coates Looking for life on Mars and Habitability of Jupiter’s Moons 25th January 2023 Bob Birket Astrophotography from New Mexico
Other events that may be of interest to you
Previous meetings now on YouTube
8th December 2021 Charles Barclay Henrietta Leavitt and the new Universe 9th February 2022 Robin Catchpole From Here to the Edge of the Observable Universe 9th March 2022 Katy Clough Solutions to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity 12th January 2022  John Davies Missions to Near Earth Asteroids February 2023 Francisco Diego Paradise Planet Earth: a Human Responsibility March 2023 Cathie Clarke the study of protoplanetary discs .. May 2023 Oliver Shorttle Rocky Planet atmospheres April 2023 Andrew Norton The New Cosmology  11th January 2023 The University of Hertfordshire presents….. 25th January 2023 Bob Birket Astrophotography from New Mexico
2024 Hertford Astronomy Group
Hertford  Astronomy Group